David Still <>
subject: How to be David Still, lesson one

Dear ,

It's not enough to give everybody the possibility to become David Still through a website, now I have come to the point where I am actually teaching it.
The first lesson is to go to my website and use my email to send a message addressed by me to anybody you want.
If you don't feel like writing your own message, I'll do it for you: you can use my preset messages.
I am offering here a convenient way to change your identity, and for some of you, even your gender!

I have been invited to actually give classes in this identity system of mine by StudioXX a feminist art centre for technological exploration, creation and critique.
So I'll be teaching the feminists the necessary technology to become me.

And what will they be teaching me in return?
Could I ever be anyone else than myself?

Yours, in any case.

David Still