David Still
Kat C
Rave: Cheap DVDs at Target!
Kat C wrote: Just admit your defeat. I own you, faggety, queer little bitch. All you can do is spew "whore" and "cunt" while trying to tell me that im such a homophobe. But you really make yourself weaker and weaker Ive poked so many holes in what youve said that you need to delete it all so you can have a reason not to acknowledge it. No wonder youve resorted to being a homo. You can never win against a girl. Have fun living your shitty life being defeated to girls. On 10/11/06, David Still
wrote: > > Boooring. > > If you had self-esteem, a life, or a clue, you'd have stopped your > hypocritical gay-bashing little tantrum long ago. You are a pathetic, > ignorant child. Grow up. > > Kat C wrote: > > > > You're just a working prole like everyone else. Deal with it. > > > Even the rich work. It shows something productive. Maybe if you > contributed to society, instead of saying things like: > "I have nothing else to do but make fun of people all day" High self > esteem > my ass. > like you did before, you would know. You cant even handle higher ed. > > **Target is for aspirational white trash (you know, people that buy a > Jetta > and pretend they're in a BMW). Stop defending it. Its discount big box > crap made in Chinese sweatshops. > > And where do you shop? the gap? haha > > ***Good luck with that legal career. You'll need it. > > And you need a life. Any ideas? > > > Obviously you know nothing about HR practice in top-tier law > firms. You'll > find out one day perhaps. Afterall, at this point you're just an ignorant > little puke with a big mouth that thinks she knows things that she does > not. > > I actually know youre full of shit. and you are. > So youre the expert on lawfirms but think that all of them are the scum? > Shows where you are rooted. Email addresses can be traced by IP. If I no > longer have that IP address when I apply for a job, how can they find > it. I > can also cancel the email address before then, dumbass.. > Yah way to sound threatening. You just spit out crap like youre an expert > when you really just need a reason to hide behind some fags website that > doles out phony email addresses. > > > > ***Myspace is for adolescents and sexual predators. Grow up. > Obviously you cant detect sarcasm hinted in your direction. Lucky you. > > > > *****If you insist on using homosexual epithets as perjoratives, then you > are furthering anti-gay bias and stereotypes. Actions speak louder than > words. IF you're not a homophobes, grow up and realize that calling > people > a "fag" isn't cool. Do you also try to insult people by calling them > "niggers"? Its the same thing. You are an ignorant hypocrite and you > suck > (more on that later). > > You call people whores and god knows what. If you wanna carry a torch on > gaybashing while calling chicks whores and throwing out terms like White > Trash be my guest. Hypocritical much? At least own up to it. > Now that I know you dont like being called a fag, I will continue. > > **I'm far to the left of someone like you. > > I seriously doubt that. If your such a do gooder in society why not > contribute instead of bitching and moaning to Craiglists posters all day? > "Because you have nothing better to do than sit around and make fun of > people" > > > ****Only when you are careful and use those big lips so gently and > eagerly. I know you like the cheesey taste. I've saved a nice big load > for > you. > > > Save it for your mom. She has 1st dibs. Then your poodle. > > ****People with actual self esteem do not state it directly, repeatedly, > like some sort of insecure little mantra. Saying it's so doesn't make it > so, kid. Esteem and confidence are traits you convey with your words and > deeds, not something you state conclusively and "brag" about. > > If you were secure in your own manhood, you wouldnt feel the need to play > craigslist police control freak in the 1st place. Then emailing other > posters ragging on their boyfriends, real estate, trailr parks and God > knows > what. Remember how this game started? > > ****Grow up and get that education. You're obviously intellectually and > socially underdeveloped. Best of luck to you = > > Speak for yourself. You are losing your own game. To a younger chick. > > > -=Dave > > PS You still don't understand the David Still concept at all. It's > hilarious to see you make a fool of yourself, thanks for the laughs, on > behalf of everyone!! > > > The concept is, you dont have the balls to use your own email. Its > apparent. Have fun pretending to be some fag you fantasize about.