David Still
job offer
Since our first meeting I have been very aware of your communication skills. I feel that you demonstrate a number of capacities closely resembling my own, which is why I am approaching you. My company is looking to expand, and is interested in developing its communications staff. Basically, they asked me to find someone with abilities parallel to mine.
I am aware that your capacities in IT and communications in general have been underestimated, and would like to see you in the position you deserve. I firmly believe I can offer you a job that will do justice to your talents. With us you would be able to stretch your abilities, and develop your
skills. It goes without saying that this would also be attractively reflected in your financial reward. Clearly things are at an early stage. I'm testing the waters to see if you're interested - if you are, we'll take it further.
I feel quite certain you could join our team, and have every faith that you could do the job equally as well as me. Please let me know if I've managed to trigger your interest in what could be, I'm sure, a fascinating career move.
David Still